Monday 26 November 2018

Science backed ways to lose weight.

3 science-backed steps to losing weight fast.

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Are you struggling to lose weight? This three-step plan, based on science, will help you shed the kilos relatively quickly
Most weight loss plans fail because many can leave you feeling hungry and miserable and that’s when many people fall off the wagon.
Healthline resident nutrition researcher Kris Gunnars has developed a three-step plan that will help you lose weight quickly and improve your metabolism.
STEP 1: Cut sugar and carbs
These are probably two of the hardest things to give up, but the benefits are well worth it. Gunnars says reducing the amount of sugar and carbs or starch that you intake will shrink your appetite and as a result, you end up consuming far fewer calories.
“Now instead of burning carbs for energy, your body starts feeding off stored fat,” he said in an article penned for Healthline.
“Another benefit of cutting carbs is that it lowers insulin levels causing your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.”
He says it’s not unusual to lose up to 4,5kg in the first week of cutting out sugar and carbs.
STEP 2: Eat protein, low-carb veggies and fat
Here it’s important to have one protein and fat source in every meal you eat as well as low-carb vegetables.
“Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20g-50g per day,” Gunnars said.
Good sources of protein include beef, chicken, pork, salmon, trout, prawns and whole eggs with the yolk.
“High-protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce the desire for late night snacking by half and make you feel so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day, just by adding protein to your diet,” he said.
Low-carb vegetables you can try eating are broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage and brussels sprouts. Great sources of fat include olive, coconut and avocado oil as well as butter.
“Don’t be afraid of eating fat as trying to do both low-carb and low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan,” Gunnars warns.
STEP 3: Regular weight lifting
While exercise isn’t prescribed for this plan, it is encouraged.
What is non-negotiable, however, is lifting weights at least three times per week.
“Lifting weights you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat,” he says.
As an alternative, you can also do cardio workouts like walking, running, cycling or swimming if lifting weights aren’t your cup of tea.
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Wednesday 21 November 2018

How Long Would It Take to Lose 60 Pounds on a Treadmill?

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You can eventually lose 60 pounds working out on a treadmill, but it will take several months. The length of time it takes depends on your current weight as well as the frequency, duration and speed of your workouts. Each pound is worth 3,500 calories, which means you need to burn off that amount to lose 1 pound. A faster alternative is to reduce calories with healthy changes in your diet along with your treadmill workout.


Walking on a treadmill is the slowest way to lose weight since you’re burning the least amount of calories. Walking on a treadmill at a rate of 3.5 mph burns 277 calories per hour for a person who weighs 160 pounds. An hour a day every day translates to a weekly burn of 1,939 calories and a weekly weight loss of 0.55 pounds. Walking at this rate, with all other factors constant, yields a 60 pound weight loss in about 110 weeks, or more than two years for the 160-pound person.


    Jogging at a rate of 5 mph on the treadmill burns 584 calories per hour if you weigh 160 pounds. This translates to a weekly burn of 4,088 calories and weekly weight loss of 1.17 pounds. Losing 60 pounds while jogging would take the 160-pound person about 52 weeks, or an entire year. If jogging at 5 mph is too fast, you can still decrease the time it takes to lose the weight by increasing your speed above 3.5 mph during your workout.


    Running at a rate of 8 mph burns 986 calories per hour for the 160-pound person and is the fastest way to lose the weight on a treadmill. The 986 calories per hour translates to a weekly calorie burn of 6,902 and a weekly weight loss of about 2 pounds. It would take 30 weeks to lose 60 pounds at this running rate, or less than one-third the time walking on the treadmill would take.


    As you lose weight and continue your treadmill workout, you will start to burn fewer calories that you did at your heavier weight. This can make the weight loss take even longer than the initial calculations, although increasing the length or speed of your workout can make up for the calorie difference. Adjusting your diet to decrease calories can speed up your weight loss even further. A healthy weight loss goal is 1 to 2 pounds per week. Cutting out 500 calories per day for a week can result in a weight loss of 1 pound in addition to whatever your treadmill workout burns.

    best diet plan to lose weight fast,top diet plan to lose weight fast,

    Tuesday 20 November 2018

    How Much Weight Can You Lose If You Jog for 15 Minutes Each Day?

    Jogging is one of the quickest ways to get your cardiovascular system in shape. Your heart won't be the only part of your body that benefits, however. You'll gain lower-body strength and lung capacity, and you will probably lose a few pounds. Jog every day for 15 minutes, and eventually, you may find that you want to challenge yourself even more.

    Principles of Weight Loss

    No matter what kind of exercise you do, you must burn more calories than you eat in order to lose weight. Each time you create a deficit of 3,500 calories, you will lose 1 lb. of excess weight. Making dietary changes can help you accomplish your goal so that you get faster results. Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables and legumes along with lean protein sources. This will give you the energy you need to work out, and it will eliminate the empty calories that can lead to weight gain or weight loss stalls.

      Weight and Calories Burned

      The number of calories that you burn while jogging depends on your weight. The more you weigh, the more energy in the form of calories your body must expend during activity. If you weigh 220 lbs. and jog for 15 minutes, you will burn approximately 175 calories each day. If you weigh 140 lbs. and jog for 15 minutes, you will burn 110 calories. The heavier you are, the faster you will lose weight by incorporating jogging into your daily routine. Keep in mind that as you near your goal weight, you will burn fewer calories than you did when you first started out. You will need to increase your jogging duration or your speed in order to maintain the same rate of weight loss.


      The terrain that you run on affects how many calories you burn, and hence, how much weight you will eventually lose. Jogging up hills or against the wind can increase the number of calories you expend during your daily jaunt. If you live near a beach, jog along it to receive the extra calorie burn you will get from your feet hitting the sand. You can burn per mile between 1.2 to 1.8 times more calories running in sand as you can jogging on a firm surface, according to the "European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology."

      A General Estimate

      If you jog for 15 minutes every single day and don't increase your caloric intake, you will lose weight. If you weigh 140 lbs., you will lose approximately 1 lb. per month. If you weigh 220 lbs., you will lose about 1.5 lbs. each month. To lose a pound each week in addition to the weight you are losing by jogging, cut 500 calories from your diet. To lose more weight with your daily jog, increase the amount of time you spend jogging or run on rugged terrain.

      Monday 19 November 2018

      Will Hiking Three Times a Week Help You Lose Weight?


      Many different variables affect how much weight you will lose by hiking on a regular basis. Your diet, your current weight and the terrain where you hike can all affect your results. One thing is for certain, however; if you eat the appropriate number of calories for your height, age and gender while hiking on a regular basis, you'll start to see your extra pounds disappear.

        Hiking vs. Walking

        Hiking burns considerably more calories than walking, and if you previously stuck to walks around the neighborhood for exercise, you are likely to see a pronounced increase in weight loss. A 175-pound person who hikes for two hours can burn 1,100 calories, provided the terrain is hilly. If the same person spends two hours walking on flat terrain, she will burn approximately 500 calories. Over the course of a week, if you hike for a total of six hours, you will lose 1/2 pound more than the walker.


        Hiking is an efficient way to exercise. The steeper the grade that you hike, the fewer miles you will need to hike in order to see results. For example, if you walk at a 20 percent uphill grade for six miles, the resulting energy expenditure is the same as if you'd walked 18.9 flat miles, according to Terrain vastly affects the number of calories you will burn hiking, and thus, the amount of weight you will lose.

        Overall Weight Loss

        A 175-pound person who hikes three times a week for two hours each outing is likely to lose approximately 1 pound per week if the calories consumed are the number required to maintain weight. Keep in mind that you may lose less if you weigh less or more if your weight is higher. To increase weight loss, do a couple of long hikes every month. Consider backpacking, which burns even more calories due to the extra weight you are carrying. You can have a lot of fun hiking to a remote camping spot and hiking out the next day -- burning plenty of calories the entire time.

        Sunday 18 November 2018

        7 Things You Can Do To Lose Weight Naturally

        7 Things You Can Do To Lose Weight Naturally.

        Great tips to help you lose weight: If you are having trouble trying to lose weight please contact us and let us know why in the comments below: Have a great day.

        Saturday 17 November 2018


        Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller is a naturopath and best-selling Amazon author. Her latest book,The Red Tea Detox, explains how anyone can lose up to 14 pounds in the blink of an eye by making and drinking their own delicious red tea. The diet has already helped thousands of people lose weight. Liz, herself, has lost 41 pounds since making the tea a regular part of her life.

        Here are Liz’s answers to frequently asked questions about herself and her diet program:
        What are your qualifications?“I have over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath (ND) specializing in healing through nutrition. I have degrees both in Psychology and Naturopathy. My interest in weight loss springs from my own battle with obesity. I was overweight throughout my childhood, teens, 20s, and 30s. At that point, I decided something had to change, and I decided to take charge, take stock and start making changes in my life for the better. Drawing from my own experiences, as well as from what I learned from my studies, I began to write weight loss books. My goal is to educate as many people as possible about the healing powers of food and how to easily incorporate these changes into daily life.”

        What is The Red Tea Detox Program?“I believe The Red Tea Detox is the breakthrough many people who have been struggling to lose fat have been waiting for. It is based on a delicious red tea, which I discovered in a remote area of Africa. This tea – which is not a ‘voodoo tea’ as some claimed but a real tea that you can make at home – works with your body’s natural fat-burning metabolism to help you lose weight – as much as 14 pounds in record time. That means you can lose weight with no doctor visits, no lectures about losing weight, no expensive pills, no starving yourself and no intense workouts.
        With the program, you get everything you need to lose weight including the red tea recipe and all the sources for the 5 unique ingredients (which can be found at any grocery store for pennies).
        You also get:
        • A complete 14 day meal plan that includes recipes for satisfying your appetite and delicious snacks to halt any cravings instantly. The meal plan covers four phases: The Red Tea Detox Phase 1: Days 1 – 5; The Red Tea Detox Phase 2: Day 6; The Red Tea Detox Phase 3: Days 7 and 8; Phase 4: Calorie Restriction Based on BMR.
        • The Red Tea Detox Workout, an exercise program which has the potential to almost double your fat-burning results.
        • The Red Tea Detox Motivation Plan, which dispels the common myths about willpower and makes sure you, stay motivated to lose a maximum amount of weight.”
        Why did you create this new diet plan?“My own struggles with being overweight reached a peak in my 30s after a difficult pregnancy. At the time I was 41 pounds overweight and desperate to find a solution. That’s when I heard about this amazing tea that tribesman in Kenya drink to not feel hungry while they hunt for their next meal. This story, which many at the time believed was just a legend, really intrigued me – so much so, in fact, that I decided to travel to Africa. To make a long story short, I found the tea, and it was even better than I could have hoped. Not only does it stop hunger cravings but it also burns fat and boosts your energy. I knew I had to get the word out so I wrote The Red Tea Detox so that others struggling to lose excess weight can get the lean body of their dreams – without exercising more or buying expensive weight loss drugs.”
        Who is this diet plan for?
        The Red Tea Detox works equally well for both women and men. It also doesn’t matter if you have a lot of weight to lose or just a few pounds, it can quickly help you achieve your weight loss goal. This program is ideal for anyone who is concerned about their health (especially if you are over age 35) … Anyone who wants to lose stubborn fat around their belly, butt, and thighs … anyone who wants to lose weight without feeling hungry or unsatisfied. It doesn’t matter how stubborn that belly fat has been, The Red Tea Detox can help you lose unwanted weight. You’ll rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps, so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1-2-3.”
        Why does this plan work so well?“The red tea is simply amazing. Plus, the easy-to-follow detox plan that goes with it is rooted in sound scientific principles. It’s fat cell shrinking effects are based on scientific research and the latest discoveries in how fat burning is related to stress, proper hormone levels, adequate sleep, nutrition and exercise physiology.
        But it all comes back to the tea, for which we discovered all 5 ingredients that make up the tea to work in perfect harmony too:
        • Force fat cells to open up and release harmful toxins that clog up
          fat cells…
        • Reduce stress hormones like cortisol that block the brain’s fat-burning signals…
        • Allow released fat to be burned for energy and muscle growth…
        • Stop the feeling of hunger and cravings…
        • Flush released toxins and fat from the body…
        • And more…
        In fact, all 5 unique ingredients work together to effectively detox the body to flush fat away in as little as 4 hours.”
        Are there any secrets behind the plan?“In addition to the tea, we have based this plan on three new revolutionary fat-shrinking rules:
        • Rule 1 – Eat MORE, Weigh LESS. The old rules of dieting have been telling you to eat less… so you end up feeling deprived and starving with tiny portions. Forget about that.
        • Rule 2 – Reduce STRESS, Restore Hormone BALANCE. This new rule is about reducing your chronically high stress levels and balancing your hormones. You will feel CALMER and Weigh LESS.
        • Rule 3 – Exercise LESS, lose MORE Weight. Scientists have made astonishing discoveries … and a recent breakthrough is something scientists call the exercise “sweet spot.” Your sweet spot is the exercise intensity level where the full fat-burning power of your body is unleashed, so your body draws on fat stores for fuel. You are NOT exercising harder. You are exercising smarter. Do this right, and fat layers under your skin vanish… excess pounds disappear… you can drop a dress or a pant size in 2 weeks… as your whole body becomes firmer, sexier and trimmer.
        Sadly, most people are eating too little and exercising too much…  and this actually works against their fat loss.

        With The Red Tea Detox Program, we are changing this “wrong thinking” and helping people lose more weight faster. With The Red Tea Detox, there are no more diet failures … No more guilt or remorse. When you drink it regularly, and follow the simple rules, you can quickly shed 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or more pounds.”

        Friday 16 November 2018

        The Surprising Weight Loss Benefits Of Yoga.

        While walking around your city, you’ve probably seen a variety of yoga studios—everything ranging from Bikram to Anusara, Jivamukti, and Vinyasa yoga. Bikram is known for hot rooms and sweat-dripping bodies, while vinyasa is all about the flow of movements.
        If your goal is to get lean and lose body fat, you might be wondering whether, or how, yoga fits into your program. There are a multitude of benefits to practicing yoga, but does yoga help with weight loss?

        Yoga Only Burns 3-6 Calories Per Minute

        In order to lose body fat, you have to create a deficit of calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight, and one pound of fat is equivalent to about 3500 calories.
        Yoga classes often endure for about 60-90 minutes. According to research done by the American Council on Exercise, the average individual burns about 3-6 calories per minute practicing yoga, which equates to a total of only 180-360 calories burned during that class.1 In contrast, a kettlebell workout burns about 13-17 calories per minute, which equals about 800+ calories burned in an hour.2 That’s a significant difference in calorie expenditure.
        While it depends on the type and intensity of the class– certain styles of yoga are much more rigorous such as power yoga, hot yoga, and vinyasa, whereas yin yoga, restorative, and hatha yoga are more gentle and slower-paced. 3 Regardless of the intensity of the yoga class, circuit training is still superior in terms of overall metabolic boost and calorie burn.
        But even with the calorie difference, yoga has other benefits that can help the weight-loss individual.4

        …But Yoga Can Still Be Effective For Weight Loss. Here’s Why

        From 2000-2002, medical researcher and yogi Alan Kristal, in association with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, conducted a study on the effects of yoga on weight-loss. The study surveyed 15,500 middle-aged men and women about their physical activity and weight over time, and controlled for factors such as diet, health, and other forms of exercise that could cause changes in weight. The study found that both over-weight and normal-weight adults who regularly practiced yoga for at least 4 years were less likely to gain weight than those who did not practice yoga. In fact, those who were overweight and practiced yoga actually lost an average of 5lbs during the four-year period, whereas the overweight non-practitioners gained about 14lbs.5
        Alan Kristal and the other researchers noted: The weight loss had nothing to do with burning calories. Kristal pointed out that, from a scientific standpoint it was unclear why practicing yoga helped people keep the weight off: “Except for very strenuous yoga practices, you don’t really burn enough energy to make any difference in terms of weight.”
        If calorie expenditure didn’t account for weight maintenance or loss, what did? The researchers found a strong association between a regular yoga practice and mindful eating, which they did not find in other activities such as walking or running.6

        How Can Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

        Reasons that yoga might help the weight loss process include:
        1. Effective stress management, reducing the likelihood of stress eating
        2. Increased body awareness, specifically relating to hunger and satiety
        3. Mindfulness and mindful eating
        Although practicing yoga doesn’t burn the most calories, it might still have a place in your workout routine. An effective fat loss program that encourages maintenance of lean muscle and maximizes calorie burn should be founded on a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular activity. However, yoga could be used as active recovery and flexibility training between more intense workouts. The benefits of stress reduction and mindfulness associated with yoga could lead to improved sleep, better eating habits, and increased self-awareness, which could mean more weight loss and improved maintenance of weight loss results over time. Regardless of the exercise you’re doing, however, good nutrition is essential. If you’re not paying attention to your diet, you won’t see the results you want. Exercise right, eat clean, and you’ll be able to actualize your goals.

        Yoga weight loss program to lose weight keep trim and stay healthy>>click here

        Includes Yoga burn challenge (review).