Wednesday 30 October 2019

Water Fasting Results Before and After

Water fasting to lose weight.

Here are my water fasting results ladies. Find out how much weight I lost during this 7 day fast and get the before and after pics and videos you all wanted.

Water fasting or just drinking water is a fantastic way to lose weight quickly but also detoxify your body from lots of chemicals and other things found in processed foods etc.

The best way to detoxify your body is with distilled water thus having no contaminants in the water at all . This then helps flush out lots of dangerous chemicals and helps your body renew cells in your body.

For the first day or few days you may find that you feel peculiar as all the chemicals that you are used too everyday start leaving your body. How ever stick with this because when your head and body get used to not having them any more, you really will start to feel better in your body and mind.

It is wise to seek a medical opinion if you feel you need one. And if you have a medical condition already. You will lose weight by doing a water fast. Firstly you need to decide just how long you want to fast for. Then stick to this plan. It may be two days to begin with or maybe three.Or it may be the full 7 days.

We advise getting a good water distiller and make up distilled water before you begin ,so that you have the water there when you need it. Of course you are going to need the loo too so make sure if you go out you take plenty of water but also that you know where the toilets are.

water distiller,distilled water,water fasting,water fast,water fasting to lose weight

Please let us know how you get on int the comments section below:

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1 comment:

  1. Using a water distiller to get pure water is a must now a days. It is so healthy to drink pure water. And yes you can lose weight easily by fasting just drinking water.Thanks for the article.
